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As a member of the Society of Women Geographers Nicole intends to honor the women who coined the club expression,
            "Women who know no boundaries”.

Since 2013, Nicole has developed Ocean Research Project's 501c3 (ORP) science and education programs through sail-based exploration. She has acted as ORP’s marine field scientist, doubling as a science expedition leader and mariner on each expedition. Her professional background began in supporting oceanographic data collection for NOAA nautical charts and weather buoy maintenance which enabled her expanding capacity to oversee ocean research activities. Nicole is passionate in actively monitoring the evolving human and natural processes that are putting strain on the marine ecosystem. Therefore, she is making way into her doctorate at University Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory.


Nicole is a polar oceanographer, a life long steward towards defending a sustainable marine environment. She holds a USCG Master Near Coastal 100 ton Captains License and sails her boat Selkie in the Chesapeake Bay.

After directing science at sea over 52,000 miles, Nicole will continue to design and execute global scientific research that is integral to monitoring climate change and its ultimate impacts on biodiversity by coordinating collaborative academic and government research expeditions, citizen science and high school to graduate student field activities.

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